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Association Information

​​Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM at the 

Hernando County Emergency Operations Center in Brooksville, Florida.

18900 Cortez Blvd, Brooksville, FL 34601

  (Click on The link below for Directions)




  The meeting is followed by a program of both informational and entertainment value of interest to ham radio operators. Visitors are always welcome at club meetings.

Informal eyeball "ragchews" are held each Saturday at 7 AM at Biguns Restaurant on Sunshine Grove Road in Spring Hill, Florida.

2 Meter Nets are held each Thursday at 8 PM on 146.715 (except association meeting nights).

The 70 Centimeter "Ragchew" net is held each Wednesday at 8 PM on 442.125.



President:                     Tim Fida, WB0YSX

Vice President:       Darin DeFilippo,  KM4RWL

Secretary:                                       Open

Treasurer:         John Edmonds, KJ4OTM

Directors:              Walt Dudley, WD4BBQ

                              Chuck Bush,  KM4WMQ

                              Steve Collins, W6SWC

  Annual dues of $12.00 are payable the first of each calendar year and may be paid in cash in person to treasurer John Edmonds.

Checks made out to "HCARA" or "Hernando County Amateur Radio Association" may be mailed to

HCARA,  PO Box 1721, Brooksville, FL 34605.

  © Copyright 2022 Hernando County Amateur Radio Association